Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Flower Power- Not Just a Fashion Statement

When people think of herbal or homeopathic medicine they are often uncertain of its value.  There is a common thought that everything that can be taken from herbal medicine has been turned into ‘real medicine’ and that everything left is either Pot Pouri or Soup! That is far from the case.

The healing power of plants has been recognised for thousands of years.  Herbal remedies have been recorded as being extensively used by the Pharaohs of ancient Egyptian times.  More recently there has been a reawakening of the knowledge that natural plant based remedies can help calm the nerves and heal the body.  This has been typified in the Channel 4 television programme, ‘The Kitchen Pharmacy’ and BBC 2’s ‘Grow your own drugs’.
There is, however, a very effective subset of plant based medicine that has been in use since its inception in the 1920s.  It was a Harley street doctor and homeopath, Dr Edward Bach, who discovered that specific flower essences could change the way we feel.  From humble beginnings in the early 20th century, Dr Bach developed and revolutionised medicine by creating a complete system of remedies based upon the essences and extracts of a number of flowers.
Dr Bach became disillusioned with the side effects of drug therapies and turned his research to the healing power of nature. The flower remedies work by treating the individual, not the disease. They help by supporting the patient's fight against illness through resolving emotional factors like depression, anxiety and trauma that are thought to block physical healing.
Most people know about Bach Flower Remedies through their more generic names such as Rescue Remedy (a mixture of essences to promote relaxation).  Bach Flower remedies work on a subtle level to help transform unhelpful attitudes and emotional issues into positive ones, stimulating the potential for self healing and freeing the physical system to help fight disease and stress.
Bach’s remedies can also be used at times of anxiety and stress, and are particularly helpful for the many people who feel generally tired and unwell without a specific medical diagnosis. These essences are non-addictive, have no undesirable side effects and can be used in conjunction with and to supplement other medications.  In some cases, patients have been known to gradually reduce their contemporary medication use or abstain completely following a course of Bach remedies.
From my own experience, I can relate a case where a client who had suffered from long term depression and a poor body image turned to Bach as a last resort.  She was treated with a mixture of remedies including Pine to combat for feelings of inferiority, Crab apple to improve self image, Mimulus to overcome the fear of not getting better and Gorse to help boost her positivity and bring some sunshine into her life.  Within two days she reported feeling much brighter both physically and emotionally as well as having more control over her usually strong hormonal mood swings and PMT.  She also had a profound sense of wellbeing and a much more positive outlook. 
The typical treatment session is a short consultation session where we establish the scope and scale of any condition.  After this assessment a blend of essences, tailored to the individual client’s needs, is crafted and prescribed with the benefits normally felt within a few days.
We are natural beings by nature and so it seems perfectly right to use what mother-nature provides to balance the conditions that modern life upsets so readily.

If you feel that Bach’s approach to creating a feeling of wellbeing and natural balance would suit you then I would be delighted to help you realise those feelings.  I am currently offering new clients 20 % off their first consultation.  With nothing to lose but your but your bad feelings, isn’t a session of natural healing worth considering.

To book your personalised treatment session please contact me at, phone 01629 825968/ 07950 568635

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